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Audio with Theyab's pronunciation |
This weekend we went to the Hammaam as-sibaaHah. The receptionist
gave us the stink eye as we ambled in. "Don't you know yissakr ba:d
thalaathiin daagiigah?" Oh, nisay--naa - weekend times.
We trudged to the dismal-looking maT:am next door. We know we
shouldn't do this to ourselves. But here we are, doing it.
"shinu :indi-hum aakl hinii?" I mumble.
He shrugs. "maadrii."
"Do you mind ordering me something healthy, idha kaan mumkin?"
"Sure, ayiib-lich iyah," he replies.
He brings me burger and fries. Perfect.
"Thanks, :aT-nii iyah," I say.
"Oh no no no, this is maal-lii. Yours is on its way."
Now the stink-eye receptionist is coming over, with a tray.
Did she have every job?
"tfaDHal-ay," she says, putting a cup of green juice on the table.
"shinu hadhaa?" I ask, dumbfounded.
"You asked for something healthy. Clearly we don't offer anything like that,
so I put what's left of my Sultan Center Caesar Salad in a blender for you,"
she replied breezily. "I would have gone to the supermarket to get
ingredients, but it's far away, and, well ... maa-lii khulg."
حمام السباحة
Hammaam as-sibaaHah | Swimming pool |
yissakr | It closes |
بعد ثلاثين دقيقة
ba:d thalaathiin daagiigah | In 30 minutes |
nisay-naa | We forgot |
maT:am | Restaurant |
شنو عندهم اكل هني
shinu :indi-hum aakl hini? | What’s there to eat here? |
maadrii | I don’t know |
اذا كان ممكن
idhaa kaan mumkin | If it’s possible |
ايبلچ إياه
ayiib-lich iyah | I’ll bring it (m) to you (f) |
عطني إياه
:at-nii iyah | Give it (m) to me |
maal-lii | Mine |
shinu | What |
tfaDHal-ay | There you go (to a woman) |
شنو هذا؟
shinu hadhaa? | What’s that? |