
Today's word is a contraction of 3alaa ('on') baal ('mind') -ik ('your, >m). The literal translation 'on your mind' does make some sense in English but you wouldn't really say that much. A better translation of 3abaal-ik is simply 'you thought.'

Whenever you want to question what I thought, or explain what she thought, or giggle at what they thought, you use this contraction and change the ending of the word to fit the subject.

Therefore, as for words that refer to the subject I, you simply add an -ii sound at the end of them. For instance I walked into the living room while my husband was dancing to BEP's "Meet Me Halfway" and he said: 3abaal-ii maa fii a7ad fi l-bayt ('I thought no one was home').

When your friends are surprised to see you still at a party, you might acknowledge their surprise with: 3abaal-kum mishayt? ('You guys thought I left?')

Or if you have a friend-turned-hater who goes a step too far. You can chide her: 3abaal-ich chidhii al-adab? ('you thought this how a polite person would act?').

These phrases may seem specific, but they will serve on occasion. That said, the king of all-purposes phrases, one you can use to gently tease your sibling, your spouse, your kids, especially when their ego is getting a little top-heavy is: 3abaal-ik kuul?

Arabic Pronounced? English

عبالك كول؟
3abaal-ik kuul? Did you think you’re cool? (>m)
عبالچ كول؟
3abaal-ich kuul? Did you think you’re cool? (>f)
عبالكم كول؟
3abaal-kum kuul? Did you think you’re cool? (>pl)
 ما في احد
maa fii a7ad there is no one
mishayt I left

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